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Discover the Importance of Tree Pruning

Mature Trees Require Regular Tree Pruning

Mature trees require tree pruning – some more and some less. Young trees need training to promote good structure. Lack of tree pruning or poor tree pruning can cause or fail to correct serious problems. Because properly pruned trees have an impact on your property, contact Royal Wood Tree Service for professional tree pruning services. Tree pruning enhances beauty, enjoyment and property value. Regular tree pruning can also provide peace of mind.

Why Should You Hire Royal Wood Tree Service to Prune Your Trees?

Royal Wood Tree Service is the chosen tree care provider for thousands of residential property owners, small/large strata property owners, property management companies and property/landscape tree pruning companies. Our staff is comprised of trained arborists that adhere to sound arboricultural practices.

Why is Tree Pruning Important?

Here are some reasons why tree pruning is beneficial and necessary.

Mature Trees:

  • Remove dead, broken or detached branches (hazards)
  • Increase light/air inside canopy (improve health)
  • Control side growth (e.g. roof clearance)
  • View restoration (selective thinning)
  • Raise crown (limbing lower branches)
  • Reduce competing tops, especially if prior topped (potential hazard)
  • Increase flower or fruit production

Young Trees:

  • Many young trees may benefit by structural tree pruning in year two or three after planting. This is often key for good healthy structure, especially for deciduous trees.

Tree Pruning By-law

Permits are not generally required to perform basic tree pruning in Royal Wood Tree Service core service areas. See tree pruning by-law restrictions below:

Service Area

Delta (Tsawwassen, Ladner, North Delta)

South Surrey



Note: DBH = diameter at breast height

Tips for Pruning

  • Avoid heavy tree pruning during the active flush growth in the spring
  • Dead/weak/diseased wood: prune any time
  • To promote growth, prune in the early spring
  • To restrict growth, prune in the early fall
  • Young trees need less tree pruning but can tolerate more (25%)
  • Mature trees need more tree pruning but can tolerate less (<25%)

Examples of Improper Tree Pruning

Below are examples of improper tree pruning:

  • Topping of trees
  • Over-thinning interior of tree
  • Incomplete tree pruning cuts – stubs
  • Lack of tree pruning

Consequences of Improper Tree Pruning

All of these consequences of improper tree pruning apply to tree topping and compromise the safety, beauty and economic value of your property:

  • Unattractive (loss of beauty and property value)
  • Sunburn (split bark, cankers and branches die back)
  • Decay (inability to compartmentalize wounds, which can be a potential hazard)
  • Undesired shoots and multiple tops (potential hazard)
  • Infestations
  • Undesired lateral growth
  • Decreased flower or fruit production
Tree Removal
Tree Pruning
Tree Stump Removal
Hedge Pruning
Emergency Tree Service
Specialty Tree Services

Contact Information


Cell: 604-831-2766 (Monday to Saturday)

Emergency: 24 Hours

Office: 604-943-0084 (Monday to Friday)


Royal Wood Tree Service

Delta, BC


Our Core Tree Service Area


Delta  |  Surrey  |  Richmond  |  Vancouver


Professional Affiliations & Certifications


ISA Certified Arborist
24-Hour Emergency Storm Service
Free Estimates - Contact us today!
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